Meet Leslie
Integrative Health & Wellness Coach
Welcome to Integrative Coaching with Leslie! As an Integrative Health Coach, I am here to help you achieve your optimal health and wellness goals through one-on-one coaching and group programs. With my expertise in healthy eating and holistic wellness, I will guide you towards making sustainable lifestyle changes that work for you and your unique needs. Let's work together to achieve your healthiest self!
After earning a BS in Alternative Medicine, I began working with Naturopathic Doctors. After coaching with some of their patients, I was inspired to find out how I could help people better. In 2018 I began training as a coaching professional at Duke Integrative Medicine. I completed the program and received certification as a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) in 2020.
Dr. Bar-Shalom's
Detox Made Easy Program
Now Available with Coaching!
Working with Dr. Bar-Shalom's patients over the years helped me become familiar with the benefits and challenges of a nutritional program. I am an expert in guiding clients through new ways of eating, as well as self care routines. I enjoy helping people define and become their best version of themselves.
The Detox Made Easy program paired with individualized coaching optimizes the detox plan and the coaching experience.
Detox Made Easy is a Doctor Created, Certified Health Coach Supported Program That can be accomplished With or wit Weekly Coaching Sessions.